Surry Community College’s online Computer Programming and Development certificate program is an 18-credit hour program that can be completed in five months through online classes. No pre-requisites are required to begin the certificate program. The certificate classes start Aug. 16 and run through Dec. 17.
High school juniors and seniors can take advantage of the Information Technology certification, tuition free, as a part of the Career & College Promise program and as a result have a certificate when they graduate from high school. The course is also offered as a workforce training option, so that out-of-state students can take the classes without having to pay out-of-state tuition.
This one-semester Computer Programming and Development certificate is designed to introduce students to computer programming techniques and constructs. Students will learn introductory database and web programming skills as well as the programming languages C++, C#, and Java. Students will also be introduced to mobile application development for Android devices using Android Studio.
Classes required for the certificate include C# Programming; Web Programming and Database Foundation; Mobile App Development; C++ Programming; JAVA Programming; and Advanced C# Programming. Each class costs $183 for a total of $1,098 plus materials.
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Tuition assistance may be available. To see if you are eligible, complete the form at surry.edu/funding.
For more information or to register, contact Information Technologies Lead Instructor Kim White, at (336) 386-3335 or whitek@surry.edu. You may also register online at surry.edu/comptech.