By Angela H. Hill

Philip Plaster retires after
45 years as choir director
at Patrick Springs Pentecostal
Philip Plaster seems to have done a bit of everything in his 78 years—from jumping out of airplanes to extensive work with Boy Scouts and the Ruritan Club to building churches in South America to serving as a Patrick County supervisor.
Yet somehow, between balancing a 29-year career at DuPont with community work and board appointments, he managed to fit in about 45 years’ worth of directing the Patrick Springs Pentecostal Holiness Church choir.
In honor of his long-standing dedication, Plaster was honored with a special retirement church service on Sunday, November 13.
Plaster began directing choir as a teenager, but said he took long breaks when he joined the U.S. Army and when he attended East Carolina University. At ECU, Plaster took two college courses in directing to find he thoroughly enjoyed it.
“It’s the part of the service I think everybody participates in,” Plaster said. “Everybody, at one time, is saying the same thing. And I don’t want to take away from the sermon or other parts of the service, but singing is a wonderful tool for bringing people together, a way for everyone to worship together.”
Plaster said he was particularly fond of the 16 or so musicals the church produced, many with the help and voices of area congregations. The musical “America,” he said, even included a bagpipe opening and balloons dropping from the ceiling.
“I feel really good about what that choir has been able to do,” Plaster said. “I don’t claim to have done much of it myself—maybe some motivation and direction—but they’ve done it.”
The special service for Plaster included a slide show, a meal and a reading of his accomplishments and volunteer work both in and outside the church, including his role in convincing Virginia park officials to allow Patrick County to convert DeHart family property into the area’s public parks.
“I really was overwhelmed yesterday,” Plaster said of the service. “It was quite an honor. I was really surprised. I was dumbfounded, to be honest,” he added.
Taking over as choir director will be Ben Baum, a man Plaster feels will do a great job given his energy and extensive musical knowledge.
Plaster still teaches an adult Sunday school class, but now that he’s retired from directing?
“I’m going to sing in the choir,” Plaster said.