In the middle of all the chaos that the last school year brought, Junior Beta members from HRMS worked hard to prepare their entries for National Beta Convention. In June, one member, Halo Martin was able to celebrate that hard work when she was named a national finalist in her Elementary Drawing competition.

Halo Martin placed 3rd in the Drawing Competition.
The HRMS Junior Beta Club originally competed and received awards during the Virtual State Convention held in February. Four members – Glenn Stovall, Rafe Boyd, Halo Martin, and Lily Pritt – participated in the convention.

Rafe received 3rd place in his 6th grade Math competition.
Halo placed 3rd in the Drawing competition and also 3rd place in the Color Photography competition.

Their victories at the state level provided an opportunity to compete at the national level.
The National Convention, held in Orlando, FL, provided all students the opportunity to compete at their comfort level, virtually or on-site. More than 13,000 Junior Beta (grades 4-8) and Senior Beta (grades 9-12) students represented their respective schools in the first National Beta Hybrid Convention.
Hardin Reynolds is very proud of these Rebels and looks forward to seeing what they will continue to do with their Beta clubs.