The Hardin Reynolds Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizens Award was presented to Luke Cutchins for 2018-2019. The DAR Good Citizens Award was created in 1934 with the intent to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship.
Cutchins was selected by his teachers for his outstanding qualities of dependability, service and leadership in his school and community. He lives in the Moorefield Store area of Patrick County with his parents and siblings. He is an usher at Mayo Baptist Church and is active in the Youth Group. Cutchins, alongside his grandmother, occasionally entertain residents at the Blue Ridge Nursing Center.
Cutchins has been an active member of the Jr. Beta Club since fourth grade and was the Junior Beta President during the 2018-2019 school year. Cutchins was a national finalist at the Junior Beta Convention in sixth grade and a state finalist at the Junior Beta Convention in sixth and seventh grade. He will be representing HRMS at the National Convention this year. Along with his Beta accomplishments, Cutchins was an active leader on the yearbook staff. He also participated on a team in the 4-H Cooking Challenge in sixth grade where his team won the challenge.
Cutchins has maintained straight A’s this school year while participating in many activities. He handles himself with pride and dignity and treats his peers with respect. Hardin Reynolds Memorial School is proud of Cutchins, their DAR recipient.