One Family Productions has opened registration for the 51st annual Patrick County Christmas Parade, which will take place on December 2, beginning at 2 p.m. The Grand Marshal for this year’s parade is PCHS Cougar Baseball – 2023 VHSL state champions. The team claimed a first ever state championship baseball title for Patrick County High School this spring. In celebration of the players, coaches, and families that have supported the PCHS Cougar baseball program over the past four decades, the parade’s theme is “Community Legacy.” Participants are encouraged to decorate floats to reflect and honor Patrick County’s legacies and heritage.
Saturday’s parade will be preceded by many activities in and around the Town of Stuart, including the Grand Illumination of the Community Christmas Tree on Main Street on Friday, December 1st. The Farmers’ Market in downtown Stuart will feature its annual Mistletoe Market on Saturday morning. For a full list of holiday activities around the county, visit the Chamber of Commerce office.
Line up for the parade will begin at 12 p.m. on Wood Brothers Drive in Stuart. The parade will begin at 2 p.m. Participants should be lined up by 1:15 p.m. All traffic flow will be clearly marked on parade day, and signage must be followed.
All participants, including businesses, educational and non-profit organizations, churches, pageant title holders, and others, should submit entry forms by November 27 to secure a place in the lineup. Entries are $20, with a $5 fee for late entries.
Horse and riders may be registered for $5 per rider/horse, and fire and rescue apparatus’ fees are waived.
Due to liability risks and safety concerns, ATVs/4 wheelers will not be allowed.
Registration received (via mail or digital) after November 27, will be $25.
Mail-in registration forms are available for pick up at chamber office, or for online registration, go to https://bit.ly/PCChristmasParade2023. For other questions, email the parade committee at pcchristmasparade@gmail.com or visit onefamilyproductions.org.