Several Patrick County High School seniors received scholarships at a May 11 ceremony. More than $1,240,390 was awarded to students via 4-year renewable scholarships and grants. Students and the presenters are:
Albert John Bozenmeyer Memorial Scholarship- Presenter Norma Bozenmeyer and Willow Kelley.
Ararat Ruritan Legacy Scholarship- Irene Smith, Ararat Ruritan Club- Chloie Wright and Macy Hall with presenters Pamela and Kevin Smith.
Ann Belcher and Orea G Rakes Memorial Scholarship- Missy Hazard and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Alfred Brammer Memorial Scholarship- Alexis Lemons and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Cougar Leadership Award- Braedon Augustine.
American Legion Post 105 Scholarship- Kursten Hylton and Presenter Gary Griffith.
Christopher Newton Cobbler Memorial Scholarship- Presenter Norma Bozenmeyer and Jadyn Pruitt.
CPL Jonathan Bowling Memorial Scholarship- Rawl Mabe.
Daughters of the American Revolution- Isaac Wood and Presenter Ann McConnell.
Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship- Rebecca Craft and Presenter Rozina Turner.
CPL Jonathan Bowling Memorial Scholarship- Katlyn Barbour and Presenter Courtney Williams.
Dixie Youth Baseball Scholarship- Martin Sawyers and Presenter Michael Hall.
Dorn O and Gaynelle Spangler Memorial Scholarship- Isaac Wood and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Dr. Houston B Roberson Scholarship- Elian Pendleton with Presenter Olivia Givens and sisters.
Doris Wood Memorial Scholarship- Jadyn Pruitt (not pictured- Mia Stowe).
Educator's Family Scholarship- Madison Mullis.
Excellence in Nursing Scholarship- Alexis Knight (not pictured- Gavin Hill).
Fern E Pino Memorial Scholarship- Carlie Rorrer and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Fred Allen Memorial Scholarship= Macy Hall and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
GRASP Scholarship- Andrew Rakes (not pictured- Macy Hall).
Hardin Reynolds Memorial School PTO Scholarship- Jared Peal.
HH Web and Nora Benevolent Trust Scholarship- Kaylee Towler.
George Rigney Scholarship- Presenter Phyllis Eastridge and Elian Pendleton.
Hardin Reynolds Alumni Scholarship Front Row (l-r) Devyn Lemons, Jadyn Pruitt, Karlyn Hall, Brooklyn Harmon, Alainah Harbour, Lauren Murphy, Kursten Hylton, Mia Stowe. Back Row Martin Sawyers, Toby Perkins, Ethan Curry, Colin Campbell, Payton Stovall, Jalen Hagwood, (not pictured Emilea Harbou
Honorable Gerald L. Baliles Memorial Public Service Scholarship- Mallory DeHart, Carlie Rorrer, Presenter Courtney Williams.
James C and Margaret S Hiatt Memorial Scholarship- Alainah Harbour and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Jesse Wood Sheppard Scholarship- Elian Pendleton and Presenter Sarah Sheppard.
John D Hooker Memorial Scholarship- Kaylee Towler and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Mary Jane Taylor Memorial Senior Beta Scholarship- Jadyn Pruitt and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Meadows of Dan Elementary School PTO Scholarship- Braedon Augustine and Presenter Jennifer Montgomery.
Meadows of Dan Ruritan Club Scholarship-Braedon Augustine, Isaac Wood, Presenter.
Meadows of Dan Women's Club Scholarship- Jade Strothers, Chloie Wright, and Presenter Mary Locke.
Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship- Front Row (l-r) Emma Nickelston, Mallory DeHart, Karlyn Hall, Colin Campbell, Elian Pendleton, Missy Hazard, Presenter Pam Smith Back row (l-r) Autumn Heath, Macy Hall, Lexi Lemons, Pedro Joaquin-Ortega, Toby Perkins, Martin Sawyers, Irene Smith, Carlie Rorrer, Kursten Hylton (not pictured- Samantha Harris).
Patrick County Fire and Rescue- Presenter Ed Hartman and Kursten Hylton.
Patrick County Historical Society_ Henry G Ayers Memorial Scholarship- Carlie Rorrer and Presenter John Reynolds.
Patrick County Retired Teachers Scholarship- Missy Hazard and Presenter Barbara Pendleton.
Patrick Springs Ruritan Club Scholarship- Jalen Hagwood, Ty Stowe-Holt, Payton Stovall.
Pauline H and W Blair Clark Sr and Family Scholarship- Presenter Blair Clark, Mia Stowe, Autumn Heath, Madison Collins, Chloie Wright, Braedon Augustine, Toby Perkins, and Devin Walker.
PCHS Alumni Association Scholarship- Pedro Joaquin-Ortega, Karlyn Hall, Carlie Rorrer, Isaac Wood, Braedon Augustine.
PCHS Class of '71 Scholarship- Devin Walker and Presenter Sandra Hylton.
PCHS Class of '75 Scholarship- Devin Walker, Macy Hall, Kursten Hylton, (not pictured- Jadyn Pruitt).
Providence UMC Scholarship- Jaden Moore, Ty Stowe-Holt, and Presenter Amanda Holt.
PCHS Class of '76 Scholarship- Toby Perkins and Devin Walker.
Perry Family Scholarship- Macy Hall.
Primitive Coffee Employee Scholarship- Madison Greer and Presenter Libby Wood (not pictured- Jaiden Clontz).
Richard, Cornelius, and Vera Stanley Memorial Scholarship- Rebecca Craft and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Smith River Church of the Brethren Scholarship- Kaylee Towler and Presenter Nancy Griffith.
Ross Harbour UMC Scholarship- Rebecca Craft and Jaden Moore.
Ruth B and George Huff Scholarship- Martin Sawyers.
Stuart Athletics Booster Club Scholarship Toby Perkins (not pictured- Samantha Harris).
Stuart Elementary School Scholarship- Tristan Hardy, Madison Collins, and Presenter Annie Baker.
Stuart Rotary Scholarship- Irene Smith, Pedro Joaquin-Ortega, Martin Sawyers, Presenter Dayna Bobbitt, Not Pictured, Madison Mullis and Willow Kelley.
Stuart Rotary Scholarship- Madison Mullis.
Woolwine United Methodist Church Scholarship- Missy Hazard.
The ValleyStar Credit Union Commonwealth Legacy Scholar- Madison Mullis.
Superintendent Scholarship (Trade School) Presenter Libby Wood, Isaac Wood, Ty Stowe-Holt, Tristan Hardy, Presenter Jason Wood.
Superintendent Scholarship- Presenter Libby Wood, Jadyn Pruitt, Presenter Jason Wood.
Susan Allen Huff Memorial Scholarship- Tristan Hardy and Presenter Dayna Bobbitt.
Woolwine Warrior Scholarship Winner Samantha Stewart, Presenter Annette Harbour, Woolwine PTO Scholarship Winners Pedro Joaquin-Ortega, and Carlie Rorrer.