I would like to take a moment to thank you for the large turnout at the polls in this off-year election. It shows those outside the county that the citizens of Patrick are informed, interested, motivated, and serious when it comes to determining our own future. I would like to thank you for Seizing the opportunity to reverse the downward spiral of our county’s government by choosing to move forward with positive change. I would like to thank you in advance for joining me on the l9ong path towards solving the problems we must now face.
To the voter of the Mayo River District, First I would like to humbly thank you for your overwhelming show of confidence in me through your votes. I also want to thank you all for your support throughout the campaign, your many positive comments, donations of time and money and your suggestions on how we can work together to improve our county.
Finally, I would like to thank the outgoing supervisors for their many years of service and sacrifice to the county in time spent talking to constituents, in meetings and away from their families, all while working for the betterment of the county. I realize there will be big shoes to fill on the board and hope citizens of the county and I can continue to count on your support. I truly believe that together we can make it better.
- Clayton Kendrick Jr.