The Patrick County Soil and Water Conservation District (Patrick SWCD) Board of Directors and Staff nominated and presented Lester Wood with the Patrick County Virginia Clean Water Farm Award. Wood’s farm is located in Meadows of Dan, Virginia and part of the Dan River Watershed.

The Clean Water Farm award was established to provide special recognition to farmers who demonstrated a strong commitment to natural resource conservation through the implementation of best management practices and management of their lands. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation was given lead responsibility for program development and administration and the Department relies upon Soil and Water Conservation Districts to select worthy recipients within their communities.
The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Best Management Practices (BMP) Program and Farm Service Agency’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) was used to assist Mr. Wood with the stewardship of his land that he desired. As part of his stewardship of the land, Mr. Wood has protected almost two thousand feet of streams that run through his property by fencing out livestock access. Mr. Wood established 1.8 acres of new riparian buffers to help filter run-off from his farm. To facilitate rotational grazing, he installed 3700’ of interior fence to create several grazing paddocks. A limited access stream crossing was installed to allow cattle and farm machinery to cross the stream without damaging the stream banks and channel. To provide his livestock with clean water, he drilled a well and installed three frost free watering facilities.
Past Patrick County Clean Water Farm Award winners include: David Collins, Wyoming East Farm, Tim Service, Helen Clark Wood and Kate Dunnavant; Pansy, Jeff and Eddie McAlexander; Greenview Farm; Benton and Michael Culler; Pam Hall; Mulberry Farm; Joey Epperson; Joe and Denise Clark; Dannie and Kathy Anderson; Larry Hutchens; Leon and Jane Stevens; John and Rose Wood; Marion and Glenda Cobbler; Ted and Brenda Kirby; B H Cooper Farm; Dewey Moss and Roger Wilson; Clarence and Darrell Mitchell; Chester Turner; and John F. Clark.
The Patrick Soil and Water Conservation District office, along with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, are proud sponsors of the Clean Water Farm Award. These individuals are role models who encourage others’ stewardship. Agricultural Producers spend time, energy and hard-earned money carrying out conservation practices that benefit many people. There are 47 Soil and Water Conservation Districts throughout Virginia. If you would like to nominate someone for the Clean Water Farm Award or schedule a field visit to sign up for Virginia Agricultural BMP Cost-Share, please contact the Patrick SWCD office at (276) 694-2911.
Submitted by the Patrick County Soil and Water Conservation District.